Letters from Depression

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Dear Child of God,

When I find you crying, sobbing and alone, I smile.    Especially when you dry your tears, put on a strong countenance, hide the emptiness inside…… and act as though you are perfectly healthy and strong.   I smile because I know as long as you pretend to be strong, it’s a lie, and that lie isolates you.  And you were not created to be hurting alone.  But when you finally allow yourself to be vulnerable, I cringe.  Because I know how God works. Transparency eventually finds healing as you as reach out and your shame dissipates a little at a time.  You will see all the hurting around you.  And your heart will be softened and encouraged as you let others into your story.   Into the raw places of your soul.  Your tears are no longer alone.  The aching in your heart, the emptiness, the shame – it’s shared.   And when it’s shared, you WILL overcome.  God will heal your breaking heart.  And your story, well, it’s no longer in vain.  The shattered, broken pieces of your life are restored, in the glorious light, to life.

 Faithfully Yours,

                    Depression                                           Untitled




Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.  Galatians 6:2